Typical Tuition and Fees

See below what the traditional incoming single student living in campus housing, who enrolls in 12 credit hours per major semester and applies for financial aid, typically pays for tuition, housing, and a meal plan.

Tuition and Fees Per Semester

  • Hourly Tuition (12 hrs at SBC rate of $417/hr) $5,004
  • Student Enrollment Fee: Fall & Spring $360 / Winter & Summer $93
  • House System Fee $295
  • Housing Fee $1,575
  • Meal Plan Fee $1,680

Estimated Total Tuition and Fees (per semester) $8,946

Cost Estimator

Undergraduate Tuition 2024-2025

  • Standard Tuition Rate: $554 per credit hour + Student Enrollment Fee*
  • Southern Baptist Rate: $417 per credit hour + Student Enrollment Fee*
  • Military Discounted Rate: $417 per credit hour + Student Enrollment Fee*